събота, 26 ноември 2016 г.

Review:Golden Rose Longstay Liquid Lipstick #10 (EN)

Hello everyone

Matte liquid lipsticks are must have for this season!

As you may know, I’m huge matte lipsticks fan and especially fan of Golden Rose Velvet Matte’s range (you can read more about them here:http://preslavasbeautydiary.blogspot.bg/2015/06/reviewgolden-rose-velvet-matte_64.html and here too: http://preslavasbeautydiary.blogspot.bg/2016/02/reviewgolden-rose-velvet-matte-lipstick.html)

I was curious to try Golden Rose’s version of liquid matte lipsticks so I searched swatches on the shades they announced (mostly red and pink tones) and then I saw the shade that really got my attention i-m-m-e-d-i-a-t-l-y!

Maybe I really have to change the name of my blog topreslavasnudelipsticksobsession.blogspot.com ,but the truth is there are some many different variations on nude lipsticks that you always need another one, right?J

Today’s nude pick is super extraordinary type of nude, more of a taupe shade – really, really cool toned light brown nude with quite noticeable grey undertone. Beautiful

A few months back I was obsessed with the first taupe-ish  lipstick that was a huge hit on YouTubeLime Crime Cashmere,but right after that exploded the big scandal so I gave up on purchasing my dream taupe lipstick. Well, not so long after I found it in Golden RoseLongstay Liquid Matte Lipstick #10.

Color, is as I said, truly extraordinary for a nude shade lightmilky-brown, but grey-purpleish at the same time, 100% taupe. That is really specific shade that isn’t universal and won’t suit everyone. On my opinion this looks good on women with tan or medium skintone, for women with pale skin – I don’t think it would work.This is also not a color that would be your go-to everyday shade – you can’t wear it just with mascara on your eyelashes. Taupe shades require makeup on the eyes, I personally pair this lipstick with classic matte black eyeliner, or with eyeshadow in the same taupe shade, or with cool toned matte eyeshadows for a light smokey eyes. The blush I’m wearing with this lipstick is also cool toned as well – light baby pink with purple undertone. This might be a tricky shade, but it’s definitely worth it – it looks amazing, it’s really eyecatching and it’s a pop compared to the other old school nude shades

This lipstick has liquid mousse like consistency and you apply it using flat applicator that requires precise hand. When you apply it’s liquid but after 2 minutes it sets to a completely ultra matte finish.It feels a bit drying and if you do have dry lips like me you’ll have to hydrate them before application. Once applied this lipsticks stays on my lips forever – I talk, eat, drink and it’s still there like brand new. I don’t even carry it with me in my handbag for reapplication – I apply it once and at the end of the day I remove it whenever I remove all of my makeup. Longevityis crazy +10 hours, without fading away, cracking or bleeding. I’ve worn this for 4 months and I’ve wore it in 40OC as well as in rain or -5OC and I’m pleased with it. Golde Rose promisesultralongevity, kiss proof, waterproof and any color transfer and I have to admit with all of this on 100% -everything is true. Whenever there is crazy longevity there is also a drying moment as well – apply lip balm after wearing the lipstick for hydration and you won’t have problems with your lips. At least I don’t have with mine, and keep in mind that I have really dry lips in general.The lipstick has vanilla ice cream scent, which is noticeable only when you’re applying it and not even a second more (damn, you have no idea how much I hate vanilla!). You get 5,5ml amount.

I haven’t try any other of the Longstay liquid lipsticks because this was the only shade that got my attention so I can’t say if the other shades are as good as this one – you know that things may differ from shade to shade. On the Golden Rose’s official website I saw that soon they’re launching 5 new shades, 3 of them are brown-nude (Yeeey!) and I‘m looking forward to see the colors in real. I hope some of them would be wearable nude shade for everyday.                                        
I recommend Golden Rose’s Longstay lipstick and I can’t find any cons in this product – I like it a lot and the shade is so on point! It’s eye catching, it’s not for everyone, it’s tricky one to wear and to combine with the rest of the face makeup but I simply adore itJ

Have you tried Golden Rose’s liquid lipsticks and what are your thoughts?

Like my facebook page: https://facebook.com/preslavasbeautydiary or follow me on Instagram for  morepictures: https://instagram.com/preslavasbeautydiary

Have a nice evening everyone ♥

Review:Golden Rose Longstay Liquid Lipstick #10 (BG)

Здравейте ♥

Течните червила с матов завършек са тоталният хит на 2016г. в бюти средите!

Аз, както знаете, съм огромен фен на матовите червила и в частност на Golden Rose Velvet Matte , за които можете да прочетете тук: http://preslavasbeautydiary.blogspot.bg/2015/06/reviewgolden-rose-velvet-matte_64.htmlи тук: http://preslavasbeautydiary.blogspot.bg/2016/02/reviewgolden-rose-velvet-matte-lipstick.html.

Когато видях анонса, че Golden Rose ще лансират матови течни червила с интерес прегледах цветовата селекция (основно в червената и розовата гама) и вниманието ми веднага беше привлечено от един изключително необичаен нюанс, който пожелах в-е-д-н-а-г-а!

Може би е крайно време да преименувам блога на preslavasnudelipsticksobsession.blogspot.com , но има толкова много вариации на нюд червила, че винаги има нужда от още едно, нали? J

Обектът на днешното ревю обаче е един изключително нестандартен нюанс на нюда, дори е по-скоро тоуп – много, много студен светлокафяв нюд с много изразен сив подтон. Красота ♥

Преди известно време бях полудяла по първото червило в този нетипичен нюдтоуп нюанс, който взриви YouTubeLime Crime Cashmere, но след огромния скандал с източването на карти при поръчка от сайта на марката, така и не посмях да поръчам мечтаното сиво-кафяво червило. Е, не след дълго го открих в лицето на Golden RoseLongstay Liquid Matte Lipstick #10.

Цветът, както споменах, е доста необичаен – светъл и млечно кафяв, но сиво-лилавеещ в същото време, 100% тоуп. Наистина много специфичен нюанс, който в никакъв случай не е универсален и не отива на всеки. Стои добре на кожа с тен или поне среднотъмна, на много светли жени с бяла кожа – по-скоро не. Не е цвят, който е удачен за носене в ежедневието – не става в комбинация просто със спирала. Тоуп нюансите върху устните изискват грим и върху очите, лично аз съчетавам червилото с класическа матова черна очна линия за по-изчистена визия, или със сенки в същия тоуп нюанс, или с матови сенки в студената гама за лек опушен грим, комбинирам го и с руж в студено розово. Определено е капризен, но си заслужава – стои невероятно, прави впечатление и се откроява на фона на останалите нюд нюанси ♥

Червилото има течна консистенция, която наподобява мус, нанася се с помощта на плосък апликатор, който изисква прецизна ръка. При нанасяне продуктът е течен, но до 2 минути изсъхва върху устните и се запечатва, като финишът е ултра матов. Усеща се леко изсушаващо и ако имате сухи устни като мен, препоръчвам да хидратирате известно време преди нанасянето. Веднъж нанесено, червилото няма мърдане – говоря, пия, хапвам и то е върху устните ми непокътнато. Дори не го нося в чантата си за евентуално подновяване – нанасям веднъж и после директно го свалям, почиствайки целия грим. Трайността е чудовищна +10 часа, без да избледнее, да се напука, разтече. Вероятно може и повече часове да изкара, вече 4 месеца го нося и не ме е разочаровало в това отношение – и в 40-градусовата жега, и на минусови температури, даже в дъжда. Производителят обещава ултра трайност, устойчивост на целувки, водоустойчивост и никакъв трансфер на цвета и аз съм съгласна на 100%, че обещанията са изпълнени. Неминуемо с голямата трайност идва и моментът с изсушаването, задължително след свалянето на червилото нанасям балсам, за да хидратира устните. Матовите червила по правило изсушават, имайте го предвид.                                                                              

Червилото има аромат на ванилов сладолед, който за моя радост се усеща само при нанасянето и нито секунда повече (как мразя ванилия!) Количеството е 5,5мл.

Нямам наблюдения върху други цветове от течните червилаLongstay, защото само този ми допадна, затова не мога да изкажа мнение дали всички цветове са с толкова добри характеристики – знаете, че често от цвят до цвят има огромна разлика. На официалната им страница видях, че има нови 5 цвята, 3 от които са кафяви (Йее!), силно се надявам да бъдат внесени в България, защото изглеждат страхотно, чудесни цветове са за ежедневието и бих взела някой приятен нюд. 

Препоръчвам червилото, недостатък освен очакваното изсушаване не намирам, всичко останало ми допада, а цвета е право в десятката. Определено привлича погледи, не е за всеки, капризен е откъм съчетаване с цялостния грим, толкова е специфичен и така му се радвам. Нося си го с огромен кеф J

А вие пробвахте ли течните червила на Golden Rose и какво мислите за тях?

Харесайте facebook страничката ми https://facebook.com/preslavasbeautydiary или ме последвайте в Instagram за още повече снимки https://instagram.com/preslavasbeautydiary

Хубава вечер ви желая ♥

неделя, 20 ноември 2016 г.

NOTD:Mickey Mouse Mix & Match (EN)

Hello everyone

Today’s manicure might look familiar to you, because I made something really similar a few months ago with Minnie Mouse – see more about it here: http://preslavasbeautydiary.blogspot.bg/2016/06/notdneon-pink-minnie-mouse-en.html

This time I decided to combine my Mickey Mouse’s stickers with simple black & white design. I’ve used black nail polish Flormar #313 , white nail polish Classics #04 and black nail art striper Golden Rose Nail Art #103 to make the dots using dotting tool.

Super easy to recreate and quite eyecatching result, right?

Like my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/preslavasbeautydiary  or follow me on Instagram for more pictures: https://instagram.com/preslavasbeautydiary

Have a nice evening everyone ♥

NOTD:Mickey Mouse Mix & Match (BG)

Здравейте ♥

Днешният маникюр може би ви докарва deja vu, защото преди време направих идентичен с Мини Маус в розовата гама  - повече прочетете тук: http://preslavasbeautydiary.blogspot.bg/2016/06/notdneon-pink-minnie-mouse-bg.html

Този път обаче реших да използвам стикерите с Мики и да ги комбинирам с черно-бял дизайн. Използвах черен лак Flormar #313 , бял лак Classics #04 и черна боичка за рисуване Golden Rose Nail Art #103, за да направя точките с помощта на инструмент за точки.

Лесно за изпълнение и ефектно като резултат, нали?

Харесайте facebook страничката ми: https://www.facebook.com/preslavasbeautydiary  или ме последвайте в Instagram за още повече снимки: https://instagram.com/preslavasbeautydiary

Приятна вечер ви желая ♥

понеделник, 14 ноември 2016 г.

Haircare:Current Routine #1 (EN)

Hello everyone

In today’s post I’m going to tell you more about my current haircare routine. To be honest I often get questions about how I take care of my hair, mainly because I have really long and thick hair. I want to mention again, that the health and length of the hair depend mostly on your genes, then on your lifestyle, physical treating and lastly – on the products you use on it. I have a few posts related to the haircare theme, which you can read here: http://preslavasbeautydiary.blogspot.bg/search/label/haircare. I want to mention as well that my hair is long, thick, curly and prone to split ends, treated and colored (discolored and dyed in mid blond shades), normal in the roots and dry at the length & ends. I wash it every 3 days and I often treat it with flat/curling iron, but it’s not damaged. I go to the hairdresser for cut every 2 months.

Washing products:                                                                               

Ive tried a lot of shampoosprofessional, drugstore, organic and tbh I didnt find the perfect one for me. I gave chance to professional shampoos by Matrix, Alfaparf Milano, Rene Furterer, John Frieda and I wasn’t impress by the results they have on me – beside the itchy and irritated scalp, I didn’t feel any difference compared to the drugstore versions. Which one is your favourite professional shampoo? I would love to find really good professional shampoo for my hair. From all tried and tested shampoos I’m pleased with the L’Oreal Elseve (or Elvive, depending where are you. In South East Europe the brand is known as Elseve) I’ve tried almost every of their shampoos and I was pleased with all of them. Their range is oriented to the dull, dyed or damaged hair which is fine for me, although my hair isn’t damaged this much. At the moment I’m using Elseve Total Repair 5 – it washes my hair pretty good, without over washing or drying it, it keeps my haircolor, it softens my hair without making it frizzy and the fine floral scent stays in my hair until the next wash. I don’t think Other Elseve’s shampoos are quite nice as well and similar to each other, but I bought this one for 3rd or 4th time since it makes my hair silky soft. I switch it time to time with their shampoo for colored hair or the one for prone to split ends hair. 

My other favourite shampoo is by Syoss/Tresemme. It does great job with my hair, it doesn’t dries it out, it doesn’t irritate my skin (!!!) and it leaves my hair soft and shiny. There was a period when for over a year I used to use only Syoss’s shampoos, I’ve tried almost every of their shampoos and I was very pleased with them. My favourite from all of them is the shampoo for thin & flat hair with keratin Syoss Full Hair 5 Density & Boost, and I really like it although my hair isn’t thin – it washes tenderly without any drying, it adds volume, softness and shine.

I apply tiny bit of shampoo to my hand and mix it with water and then I apply it to my scalp and massage the foam only in my roots and not in the ends – this way is the best for long hair, which is prone to drying. After I wash my hair once I apply hair mask all over my hair from my ear’s niveau up to the ends. My favourite is by Genera with coconut or karite and I use it regularly more than 10 years. Both variations – with coconut and karate are great, I use them from years and they haven’t disappointed me – they make my hair very hydrated, but not greasy, really soft and so good smelling. Every other week (whenever I have time even more often) I melt 2-3 tbsp coconut oil and I apply it into the ends of the hair and in the lengths. It has great effect – soft as fluff, smooth and shiny. гладка, лъскава и блестяща. I was worried that oil would remove my dye, but it didn’t. I stay at least 2 hours with the coconut oil on, so that it can soak up and hydrate in depth.                          

I like to apply thick layer of hair mask and I stay with it for at least 10 minutes. Then I shampoo again and put hair conditioner to my hair, usually the same as the shampoo – Total Repair 5, I leave it for 4-5 minutes and then rinse with water. This conditioner is as good as the shampoo – nice hydration itself and leaves my hair so good smelling! Whenever I use the Syoss shampoo I also use the matching conditioner Syoss Full Hair 5 really, really thick, it feels almost oily, it softens my hair super, it adds shine and it has really light scent that’s noticeable only when you’re applying it. I always put hair towel to soak the excess water after washing and act carefully to the wet hair. I use hair towel turban, made from fine towel which soaks water better than the fluffy ones (mine is from Decathlone). It’s best to leave your hair air dry, but ain’t nobody got time for that? After 20 minutes with the turban I dry my hair using hair dryer professional by Remington (there will be review soon, shortlyI’m very pleased with it!!) To keep my hair healthy I always dry my hair for 5 minutes on the middle heat or directly on cold air and ionization and I always apply heat protection – I like using hair oil, which adds extra hydration and makes my hair dry easily.

Leave-in products:

For heat protection hair oil I use Matrix Biolage Exquiste Oil with monoi oil blend. It’s for thick, dry and coarse hair, but it’s definitely not for fine hair, since it’s quite thick. I really like Matrix’s hair oils, I’ve tried their Argan hair oil as well as 2-3 more and I always get shiny, soft and vitalized. My favourite of them all is the monoi oil blend – it smell amazing, the scent stays in my hair for hours, it makes my hair soft, easier to comb and dry and I feel like it has effect on the split ends. I put 2 pomps before I use the hair dryer and the 1 more after I finished drying it. I often treat my hair with flar/curling iron and I use extra heat protection, except Matrix’s oil.  I prefer heat protection that are in a spray form and over a year now I use Alfaparf Milano Semi diLino Illuminating thermal protectionit provides heat protection up to 230о, it gives shine to my hair, it has UV protection,  it keep the hair color and keeps the hairstyle in place for longer time. I spray a few spritzes of this and then comb it to distribute the product evenly in my hair. на цвета и спомага за по-дългото запазване на прическата. I like the fact that it doesnt make my hair sticky and definitely makes my hair shinier. It has floral scent that fades away quick after applying. Before I comb my hair I put some of the Biosilk’s silk protein (missing on the photo), and If you have problems with combing your hair this would help you a lot.

After I curl or straightened my hair I like to spray just a tiny bit of hairspray to style my curls or to keep the baby hairs in place. I really really hate hairsprays that have strong fixation and leave my hair sticky and that’s why I searched for good hairspray really long time. The best non sticky hairspray I found is Rene Furterer Vegetal Finishing Sprayvegetable hairspray with Cakile extract, which style and gives shine to the hair. It has light but enough for my taste fixation and really gives shine to my hair (my natural hair undertone is grayish and that’s why shine is always mirage :DD) plus, it has really soft scent.

Overall these are the products I use on everyday bases on my hair. Sometimes if I have hair loss I use hair loss ampullas by Matrix/Alfaparf Milano, I always use comb for combing and never hair brush, I use professional hair tools (flat iron and hair dryer by Remington, curling iron Andrew Burton) and I always got my hair dyed at the salon using hair dyes by Matrix, I’ve tried also Alfaparf Milano, but I like Matrix’s more. I want to mention that if you’re in South East Europe you can get hair product at the cheapest price at www.enzo.com.                                                                                    

Definitely professional hair products work better on my hair compared to the drugstore ones when it comes to leave in products and that’s why my leave ins are professional. My washing products are from the drugstore, but I would love to find the right professional shampoo for me. I would love to hear your suggestions on a good professional hair shampoo, I think I would purchase Matrix’s Oil Wonders for dry hair or their shampoo for sensitive hair (their shampoo for dyed hair doesn’t work good for me).

Which products are you using on your hair? Leave me a comment :)).

Like my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/preslavasbeautydiary  or follow me on Instagram for more pictures: https://instagram.com/preslavasbeautydiary

Have a nice evening ♥