сряда, 20 февруари 2019 г.

NOTD:OPI Got The Mean Reds (EN)

Hello everyone

Today’s manicure is in classic red shade and in fact, I did it using the only red nail polish I own, but the funny thing here is that I own two bottles of it (I seriously have no idea how this happened LMAO!) – OPI Got The Mean Reds. 

OPI Got The Mean Reds is classic red shade that literally every brand has available in its portfolio, so I definitely think it’s not necessary to go for this particular one, except if you are huge fan of OPI in general. Why? Because not only the shade, but also its characteristics are impressive: it has full opacity on 2 coats and it is easy to apply, but longevity is disappointing (on the second day I had chipped tips and this is strange, because I have at least 5 days longevity on my nails with basically every nail polish I wear), and it stain my nails & skin after removing with nail polish remover.

Shade is no doubt really universal and nice in general, suitable for any occasion, outfit and season, but red is not “my color” and I wear red manicure 2-3 times per year, so in the view of this Got The Mean Reds is the only red nail polish I have, and to be honest I am not truly impressed with it. 

Which is your favorite red nail polish?

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Have a nice evening, beauties

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