понеделник, 8 февруари 2016 г.

How To:Make Green Eyes Pop?Daytime Makeup (EN)

Hello everyone

Last year I posted “How to make blue eyes pop? Daytime makeup” (which you can see here: http://preslavasbeautydiary.blogspot.bg/2014/12/how-to-make-blue-eyes-pop-daytime-makeup_24.html) and there I showed you daytime makeup look for blue eyes. I few weeks back I had the opportunity to took photos of makeup look I’ve done on pair of beautiful green eyes – I made daytime & nighttime version. 

Today’s post is going to be all about the daytime version and the next one would be for the nighttime version.
To make green eyes pop you need to use the colors purple, pink, red and orange. These colors are placed against the green in the color wheel (see more here: https://www.google.bg/search?q=color+wheel&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9wKCj_vbJAhUDtRoKHdZ_CnIQ_AUIBygB&biw=893&bih=520&dpr=0.9#imgrc= ) . For the daytime look I decided to use pink and coral. The makeup turns out super fresh looking and suitable for every day, place and occasion. 

First I applied some concealer all over the eyelid (Mac Studio Finish Concealer/NC20). Then I placed some vanilla eyeshadows under the browbone and in the inner corner of the eye (Bow/Sleek) and on the mobile lid I used matte flesh toned eyeshadow (the fleshtoned pinkish shade from the palette Taste of Chocolate/Flormar). In the middle of the eyelid I used the mixed colors Pamper & Ribbon/Sleek – I’ve mixed them so I can create nice light pinky-coral shade. Over them I applied the pink-gold shade Gateau/Sleek. Afterwards I mixed the matte colors The Mail & Boxed (sand beige and brown with cool undertone) and I applied them in the outer V, to create some depth. Using an angled brush I applied the same colors underneath the lower lashline. I finished the look with coat of mascara (Volume 1 Seconde Mascara/Bourjois).

The makeup looks light, fresh and its perfect for anytime of the year.

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Have a nice evening everyone

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